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    You will need

    8 Slices Warburton’s Gluten Free 300g White Loaf

    50g butter

    50g jumbo dried fruit mix

    2 eggs

    350ml whole milk

    50ml single cream

    50g caster sugar

    ½ tsp cinnamon

    4 plums, stone removed and cut into eights

    Make with

    White Loaf

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    Make it

    35 mins | Serves 6

    1. Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC and grease a 200mm x 280mm baking dish with butter.
    2. Cut off the crusts of the bread, butter the slices and cut into triangles.
    3. Line the dish with one layer, sprinkling with half of the dried fruit and half of the plum slices.
    4. Layer the rest of the buttered bread triangles in top, cutting the remaining slice into eights to arrange around the edge of the dish (as pictured).
    5. Whisk together the eggs, milk, cream, sugar and cinnamon and pour mixture over the bread.
    6. Bake for 25-30 mins or until golden brown.